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The Coolest Way to Boost Your IQ

If you came by this webpage and are exploring it you’re obviously smart (and likely attractive, charming, and nice-smelling), but, do you think you could benefit from becoming even SMARTER!?


If so, the smartest thing to do is skip over the long description below and simply scroll down to the link to our SMART SHADES Brain Training system and start getting smarter right away.


Or if you're even smarter still, skip down to the link for our Smart Shades NFT, get one with either your crypto wallet or credit card (Yes, really! You can just buy with a credit card, no crypto wallet, knowledge, or experience required!)

[Protip: With the NFT you get the full Smart Shades package plus added bonuses down the line and the price as of the time of this writing (June 24, 2022) is less than the regular package... you're welcome ;)]


But if you'd like us to inform you and sell you a little more on what we're offering, can do!


  • Are you a brilliant student who needs an extra boost to pass exams and go onto… whatever brilliant thing you’re gonna do?

  • Are you a gifted doctor, lawyer, engineer, or professor who needs to give your brain a bit of a charge before you become the most rich and famous person in your field?

  • Are you a regular person who is kinda clever but would like to become even


Have you even tried to push yourself and exercise your brain? No? Then let’s be honest, as brilliant (and nice-smelling) as you are, you could still probably stand to GET SMARTER! And if that’s the case, you’re in luck; we’ve created a guide and software package that will give you the simplest way to do just that and take your rightful place among the brilliant.


For a very reasonable (extremely reasonable) price you have the opportunity to get:


Access to a software package that provides you with brain training that has been shown scientifically to improve your intelligence. This package includes:


  • The easiest-to-follow plan on the market to boost your brain power

  • Lifetime access to our package with unlimited sessions – no paying for extra sessions or access like other products of this nature require

  • Uniquely adjustable gameplay that allows you to set the difficulty to an appropriate level for optimal training

  • The lowest priced product of it’s kind


But that's not all, you also get:


A “How to GET SMARTER Using Science and Software” guide that gives you a clear, thorough, easy-to-read and entertaining background on our software and even the general nature of “smart”. In this guide we provide you with:


  • A history – dating all the way back to ancient times – of the idea of “smart”

  • A history of the scientific study of intelligence

  • A description of the scientific basis for the software we’ve developed including many studies showing that this training can change and strengthen certain areas in your brain

  • A thorough description of the brain training games – how to play them, the ideas behind them and how they can benefit you

  • A very simple to follow “prescription” and plan to “maintain the gains” so you can enhance your brain power and keep it that way


So what are you waiting for smarty pants? We know you’re already smart but it’s time to take it to the next level and GET SMARTER with our Smart Shades brain training!

Smart Shades orignal
Smart Shades NFT

Or get your very own, one of a kind, Smart Shades NFT!


Connect your Crypto wallet or simply use a CREDIT CARD to purchase...


...YES, JUST A CREDIT CARD! You can buy our NFT the same way you'd buy a book or a pair of socks! Just enter your email and Credit card info and you're set


If you're already in the Smart Shades club and hold one of our NFTs, you can download our Smart Shades package for FREE!


This is the SMART thing to do because in addition to our brain training package and our NFTs, you'll also get future benefits as well.


Just type in the password on your NFT and you're a verified SMART person!

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By joining the Smart Shades club you be entitled to some great future benefits like...

  • Free access to any new games we make for intelligence training *

  • Free access to any intelligence testing software we make (find out how "smart" you really are!) *

  • Free downloads of any new versions of our guide *

*All planned for a 2023 release

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